Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Garden

Stephen loves to go to the garden with me. I wish the feeling was mutual. He loves to just roam through the garden and 9 times out of 10 he really does not look where he is going. Thats not good when you have corn coming up and he is not paying attention. He also likes to ride and push his little four-wheeler through the garden and when you don't have room between the cucumbers and squash to even walk............its doesn't really make this mama happy!! I am constantly saying "watch the plants" I do have to say I really really love watching both boys helping. Its even cuter when you look up from weeding and you are covered in sweat and dirt just to see two cute blonde boys shirtless watering the plants. Although 5 seconds later they ruin the cuteness by fussing and then there is some screaming...........then there is some "fine Stephen" in a mean voice then comes another little "HA HA bubba" coming from Stephen because he won the battle of the water can!!! Another FAVORITE(but shhhh, don't tell daddy) is climbing to the top of the saw dust pile. Jackson especially loves to climb to the top and scream "I am king of the world" They love love love to be bare footed and of course like all little boys get as dirty as possible. We only go out in the garden after 6 when the shade is covering the garden. That ways its not as hot and the boys can get dirty and then we head in to the bath!!! I have really enjoyed doing a garden this year. Shocking I know!! I still hate to get dirty, sweaty and be outside, But it is very relaxing and peaceful watching God do his magic!!

I know he looks a little dorky, but still ever so cute!!!
Tomato plants!!

My largest squash plant. It is the only plant that survived my seeds.

Squash and cucumbers all bought at Lowes because my seeds probably got eaten by birds.

Here is a run down of what we have planted.
The whole family planted a row of potatoes.
Bart, Jackson and Stephen planted a row of onions. Stephen pulled them up and Bart and Jackson re-planted them.
I planted a whole row of squash seeds. (Only 1 survived)
I did a whole row of cucumbers. (none survived)
I planted 18 tomato plants.
I planted 9 cucumber plants. (Only 8 made it)
I planted 10 squash plants. (Only 9 made it)
I planted 18 watermelon plants.
My mom and Tif came and helped me one day with some fertilizing and hanging some tomato plants with bamboo. He transplanted 1 tomato plant and planted some of his own roots from their house.
Bart dug the garden with a track hoe and leveled it off. My father-in-law tilled it. It looks AMAZING. I try to go every evening even if its just for about 30 mins or so. I have watered it, fertilized it and keep the weeds out. Jackson does help me alot.
Jackson hopes to have enough watermelon and squash to sell to buy him an Itouch. He has alot saved up, but needs about $60 more. Hopefully he can do good at the Farmers market like he did last year!!

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