Saturday, December 15, 2012

Thanksgiving Race and Jackson's PERFECT light .000

I gave Jackson's dad my Thanksgiving and he gave me his weekend.  Jackson has been wanting to go to Montgomery Motorsports to race ever since he started racing.  We have several friends that go to the Thanksgiving race and a few that race there normal race days.  It didn't disappoint.  It was a super fun laid back track.  It was a SEJRA race and those races are fun in it self!

It didn't start off to great.  We blew a tire at spaghetti junction.  Thankfully my inlaws followed us down there and were behind us.  Bart and Farrell changed it pretty fast!! 

I don't know why I take pictures of his dial in???

In between time trials and runs the kids had a ball playing.
Jackson got a PERFECT light while there!  He lost the round itself, but we were super proud of the .000 light.  His first one ever!  Thank God for buy backs cause he was actually able to win a few rounds each night! 

Stephen wanted to display he was proud of his Skelton racin shirt so he wore it with the Skelton on the front!!

After the race Saturday Bart took all the weight out of his car.  Since Jackson is now 10 he is able to run his car 8.90 instead of the 12.90.  He took all the weight out and he only went like 11.40???  The wind and weather plays so much in this racing that is was soooo slow.

Here's a video of him running his car.  

Stephen had been SOOOO sick from the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and this was Saturday night.  His fever finally broke sometime in the night and he had a nasty fever blister.

Didn't want to wear his frog hat anymore and his hair looked like this!

Oh that face gets me every time!!

Didn't want a pic with his mom!

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