Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mothers Day!!!

Happy Mothers day to my dear Mama!! She has been a great one and I love her very very much. She is always there when I need to talk or when I need her to pray. We eat lunch every Friday together and I talk to her almost every single day. I sometimes even call her 10 times in one day. There is no one like her and I do love that about her. I am very blessed to have such a Godly mother who prays for us, loves us unconditional and who even wants to put up with me!!! I can call her 5 times about a recipe and she will walk me through it. If I am having a hard day with the kids she is always there for a shoulder to cry on and an inspiration to do better.

Now this is Jo Anna. My lovely Step Mother! She had to put up with me during the hard teenage years and she still loves me. Well I hope she does!!! I love her because she puts up with my dad and also she is the mother to my very favorite little sister. She is always a phone call away and I love that I can call her and talk about just nothing!! When I was younger I did not appreciate her like I should have and I hate that. She has been the best and always wants the best for us!!!!

This is my Mother In Law (MIL) Growing up I was always scared to get married because of all the horrible stories you hear about MILs. Well let me just tell you something I have the BEST ever MIL. She is always there when I have a question about cooking, gardening, and mothering. I could not have asked for a better MIL. I was scared to death to meet her, and now I could not live without her. She is such a wonderful women and I am so thankful I have her as a MIL.

So needless to say I am pretty blessed to have some great women in my life. I am the mom I am because of all of them. I hope and pray that each one of you have a very very blessed Mothers Day!!!


  1. So sweet! Happy Mother's day to you!!!

  2. Jeane Turner MeeksMay 9, 2010 at 7:44 PM

    What a beautiful tribute to all the Mothers in your life. I am so glad that I am included in this. You are a terrific young lady. I sure do LOVE you! With all you have done today, when did you find time to do this? I cannot speak for the other women, but I do believe we are the lucky ones to call you daughter, step-daugther, and daughter-in-law.
